Friday, 8 October 2010

Let the Acade-mania begin!

Hello.  Matt here.  
So, after a fun, but fairly free 'Fresher's Week', I have now begun classes.  I absolutely enjoy my classes, but that doesn't mean there isn't a TON of reading.  It reminds me of that transition between high school and college, or between middle school and high school, when your teachers basically say 'you're growing up now, we're going to expect more of you.'  Well, there's no question that I'm now a Post-Graduate course.  AND, at least to me, there's no question that I've been out of the studying mind-set for a year.  Wow, I read so slow now.  Hope it comes back soon.

On to the good news: for those that really care, here's a short description of my courses.  First, Hallmarks of Modern History is my core class.  There are six of us students in there (That's the entire Masters of Modern History programme, by the way).  We're quite diverse, coming from US, France, Romania, Ireland, and one from Scotland/France/Germany? (not really sure).  
Anyway, the course looks at modern to post-modern historiography, while we hit on some key 'hallmarks' in modern history along the way.  It's as much a discussion group for us students as an actual course, but it looks like a lot of fun, and there are some topics in there that I'm particularly looking forward to.

My second course this semester is 'Building Britain, Construction and Deconstruction of Britishness, 1707-2000'.  Translated: 'Scottish History, 1707-2000'.  We are basically looking at the history of Great Britain from the Scottish perspective.  With only 4.5 people taking this course (one is auditing), it looks like a lot of fun, and again an intimate and fun discussion.

In other news, I have met TWO people that grew up within an hour and a half's drive from me.  There's Andy, a history PhD student from Morristown.  And there's Leslie, whose grandparents I have known for years, and who is not only in the same university but is even taking one of the same classes with me (she's Scottish History).  

I think that about brings everyone up to speed for now.  Things are generally going well.  We are certainly enjoying our home's location practically right in the middle of town.  It's quiet, but we can be just about anywhere we need to be in 5 minutes, 10 if it's on the edge of town.  And it's so beautiful to be right on the coast, with such a picturesque town.  My commute has changed from walking past the palace every day to walking along the coast to get to class.  Life is rough here.  Even the weather hasn't been too bad overall (for Scotland that is; I've heard complaints from some new arrivals, but 60s with sun is a beautiful day!).  

As always, we enjoy your prayers for our wellbeing and lives here.  

Best wishes,

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