Saturday, 18 September 2010

A New Start!

Matt here.  I've now returned to Scotland, and to my new home in St Andrews after about 3 1/2 weeks away from my wife.  But, the visa finally came through and within days, I managed to get a flight back.  I'm now in the process of settling into our new home, and getting ready for my return to the Academic world.

Here's what's happened so far with my studies: I've registered for my classes.  They are the core course 'Hallmarks of Modern History', which is a little of everything, as I understand it.  My elective course is British History, 1707-2000.  In the spring, I'll be taking the 'Hallmarks' course, part 2, and a Directed Study in something as yet undetermined.  Two courses doesn't seem that much, but I have a feeling it's going to be a LOT of reading and writing.  I'm ready though!

I'm really excited to get going, and after the next week of registration/matriculation, I'll be right into my classes, full steam ahead!  I can't wait!

In other news, Bailey's birthday is wednesday, so here's wishing her an online Happy Birthday, and I hope the celebrations are going to be as good as we are anticipating!

Cheers for now!
Matt and Bailey

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