Thursday, 19 November 2009

Answer to Prayers!!!

So, this is going to be a short post, with more to come later, but I wanted to share good news.  I am now employed in Scotland!

After some tense moments when I didn’t get the call on the day they’d said, I followed up and was told I am now getting one of the two posts at the High School, as a Classroom Assistant.  This is a big answer to prayer to have a job now!  Thank you to all who have prayed about this, this is so exciting! 

I’ll have more info as it comes, but now onto other things.  We now have a new baby girl, Rory!  And, before you get too surprised and freaked out, she has four feet, a tail, and whiskers!  Little Rory moved in this past Friday, and is now settled in well.  She loves to play like a little tornado, and then crashes in between on one of our laps.  Pics will be up soon, don’t worry.

One last thing.  We’re experimenting with the “Matt Chat”, to your right on the screen (maybe scroll down a bit).  This is connected to my Instant Messenger, so when I’m online, it will tell you, and you can chat with me live on the website.  If you don’t mind, do identify yourself when you send your greeting and hopefully, I can get back to you quickly.  If I’m not online, feel free to leave a little message.  It means a lot to have people look at our blog and especially comment. 


Matt and Bailey

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Guy Fawkes and Lupe Pintos, BFF

Well, I think we’re long overdue for an update. 

Thursday was Guy Fawkes Day.  For those of you who don’t know about the day, feel free to look it up, fun history lesson.  It makes for a lot of fun and festivities, especially fireworks viewing from Holyrood Park.  It was crazy busy, but made for some great photos (all posted here are Matt’s, not Bailey’s…surprise!).

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In other news, our stuff has arrived, and our flat is now truly a home.  We didn’t realise just how sterile our place looked until it was fully decorated, and WOW, it looks good!  We’ve got colour, we’ve purchased a coffee table, and we are truly at home here now! 

Bailey's Facebook Edinburgh Album with pics of the flat (click next for more)

We’ve now hosted a games night with some Uni friends, and had another American couple from church over for dinner.  It was a lot of fun, and our place really feels lived in and alive now.

Lupe Pintos:  It’s a Mexican Deli, literally a hole-in-the-wall the size of our living room, but packed full of Mexican supply, and other things; but most importantly, it has AMERICAN IMPORTS!!!

Betty Crocker, Stouffers, Aunt Jemima, A&W, Reeses, and the Three Musketeers all hang out at this place after flying over from the States.  We learned from another American friend about the store, that has random imports from the US, including Pumpkin, stuffing, cake mix, candies, and more.  It was a nice treat to get some “familiar” food for a change, though prices mean it it will be special treat.  Still, not complaining to eat Reese’s Cups and pancakes.  The Scots just don’t know what they’re missing.

Well, I can’t think what else to add.  We really feel settled now that we know our way around, and are more familiar with streets, shops, and the way of life here.  Coming up on Monday will officially mark TWO months in Scotland!  It hardly seems possible, and yet also feels like we’ve been here so long. 

I hope this blog finds all who read it well (though a little heartsick for us is okay, lol). 


Matt and Bailey